Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poptropica Paint Sample Makeup Test

Danube ... a year later ...

Good Sunday!

Today we reclaim the Danube (I had spoken here), a collection of sandwiches, perfect for buffets or as a main dish.

The main difference compared to the previous one is that I used the dough!

I must say I am very satisfied, because he came soft and soft and has risen very well, I did not regret the previous recipe, however, I recommend it if you do not know.

I found the recipe on the blog The pleasures of the life of Anna and I liked it immediately because I appeared lighter, especially for the content of eggs and butter, than I and I I had initially decided to try replacing the yeast with the pm.

'nuff said ... here's one year after the Danube ^_-!!

fontina e salsiccia/fontina e wusterl


150 gr di pasta madre
500 gr di farina (io ho usato 200 gr di farina 00 e 300 gr di manitoba)
250 ml di latte tiepido
50 ml di olio di oliva
10 gr di zucchero
10 gr di sale
1 uovo intero e 1 tuorlo per spennellare

Per il ripieno

salsiccia leggermente piccante

poppy seeds, sesame seeds


The night before preparing the dough by dissolving the pm in a part of warm milk dough and adding (Ken) As all the ingredients, salt at last.
Let rise overnight.
the morning and return the dough before forming a sausage shape around a fold of type 1 Adriano, putting the dough to rise in the oven with the light on for about 1 hour.
Resume fomare and the mixture gently with a sausage, split into 16 parts, more or less the same ^ _-.
With each piece to form a ball and the center wanted to put the filling (I did fontina sausage, the sausage is the one that sent me Annamaria in the package that you sent me kindly before Christmas, sometimes the coincidences ! ^ __ ^ and fontina and wusterl), close the balls and place them into the pan with parchment paper. The party should be closed down. Brush with egg yolk and add to taste the seeds, I put sesame seeds on the balls with the sausage and the poppy up with those sausage). Leave lievitare nella teglia per circa 3 ore (deve addoppiare di volume). Ho lasciato lievitare il tutto nel forno con la luce accesa e un pentolino di acqua calda.
Cuocere nel forno caldo a 180°C per circa 30 minuti.

Ecco un panino..

 e l'interno...

Ora vado a giocare con le mie birbanti prima che mi colorino tutta casa....a piĆ¹ later!!


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