Monday, February 14, 2011

Rabbit Cages For Sale Las Vegas

SognaSogna: Spy Story Valdôtaine

I say that I have to eat less at dinner ^ _ ^ Great

international intrigue in my size dream last night.
a script worthy of Hollywood, with shots and images worthy of the best American directors, all shown at the foot of the Alps, in political-sex-spicy sauce, typically Italiot!

first shot: a public square with market coverage in the wood as a country house in southern France, the room narrows (second shot) on a business of sports history, the genre is varied, stationery or hardware, but the windows you understand the value of the building and the advanced state of disrepair. Here
aside the idea of \u200b\u200bthe movie, steal the secret of why this store is of great value in a state of abandonment so strong.
The gang headed by me, made me, my boyfriend, native of the valley, and a sister that I'm not blonde, immediately identify the person responsible for this act mean, the President of the Region. Mentioned by name and last name, a sort of local underworld boss of the Dome. Obviously
the political party of reference is clearly mentioned several times ...
Baste once a plan to get into his good graces and steal the secret. Obviously the method is to Arcore, participate in banquets.
All dressed up, me and the blonde sister, we come to the door of the patriarch villone and ask to be received, this occurs through an intermediary and we thought we had procured safe. 3rd shot: we get a large scale to stand in the doorway, where it is verified at our fitness. 4th shot: we are in front of the old "Emperor" bald and gray suit. He does not speak, but whisper something in his ears, and facial gestures welcomes us to the party, che però è una rivisitazione folck di quelle di Mora, dove abbondano pizzi, merletti ed abiti tradizionali, zoccoli di legno e quei mestoli che si sbattono insieme per fare musica. 5a inquadratura
Ma non ci godiamo la festa, capiamo di essere state smascherate e parte il classico inseguimento: come cat woman scivoliamo sul corrimano di una scala a chiocciola e ce la battiamo a gambe con gli scagnozzi che ci stanno alle calcagna. E il sogno si perde in un elaborato inseguimento dove subentra su un auto anche il mio fidanzato...
Non ci hanno preso, almeno per stanotte.


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