Sunday, February 13, 2011

Does Anemia Cause Excessive Sleepiness?

Small drops in small hearts ......

morning drizzle and not bode well: (
.... I had my lounging in Latvian, but my rogues do not agree ^_-!!

When I go to the supermarket, always throw a blind eye to the department cakes and decorations, I always hope to find something nice and tasty to enrich my preparations.
In most cases I can not find anything special, I come from is difficult to find even the classic food coloring, but the last time I spotted the white chocolate chips and of course I immediately grab.
In the back of the box I found a recipe that has enticed me and so I tried it yesterday afternoon for tea ......

CUORICINO with chocolate rice flour and white chocolate chips

Ingredients for 8 hearts:

100 g butter 100 g sugar
80 grams of rice flour 2 eggs
half a bag of yeast
50 grams of cocoa
30 white chocolate chips .


Beat eggs with sugar and add melted butter and cool. Then combine the flour, cocoa and baking powder sifted. Finally the chocolate chips lightly floured with rice flour. Put the mixture
in previously greased and floured tins and bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 15 minutes.

I used the silicone mold of GUARDINI .

is precisely the one with 8 hearts line Amélie.

I lightly grease the mold because it was the first time and I filled the spaces in the shape of my heart for 2 / 3 as in the case of muffins.
Once finished cooking, I let it cool slightly and I extracted a few seconds without any difficulties and break my candy.
These silicone molds they roll, flatten, bend, and can be placed anywhere with minimal space. I'm really comfortable to use.

's the inside ......
are very soft and melt in your mouth ....

With this recipe for the collection of Flavia

and participates in the contest of the chocolate sweet Crysania

Good Sunday
^ __ ^


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