Sunday, February 20, 2011

Canon Powershot S5 Is Slr Mi

SOgNiaSogna letters, lawyers and prawns

Time to go to bed. And probably dreaming.
What will? Maybe later? We will be in court or to seek accessories, bags maybe, to donate!?

Last night I received a letter from a lawyer. In beautiful calligraphy was written my name on the envelope and also the address was correct. The open, and the interior was not as accurate. A photocopy of the sloppy, almost a piece of paper recycled in a hotel, with 4 lines specific lime, rust color. I meditate, I talk with one of my holding in front of a plate of cous cous with shellfish. Something for grill in foil but very appealing to the eye. Some concern. But not too much.

Then coffee. At the bar there for my ex-boyfriend. He tells me that they promoted - not to make coffee, but what is its true and actual work is not in a dream - and will work in Rome. He complains that not enough appropriate clothes. I offer to give her some of my shoes, and I insist as well that are new and appropriate!

Now we come to us.
There is a situation that worries me, I hope so too exaggerated and just be disappointed. Hence all these rumination, but you get to breathe out giving up the object of my desire, my shoes, my ex boyfriend to want there. Searching
good therapist specializing in guilt.


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