Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bmi High School Musical

shin ..... not a saint!

That was not a saint, we had suspected in more than one occasion in the past, but it was a shin PORK ... we have discovered with certainty only recently ....

Shank of Pork ham with balsamic FRIES

Ingredients (2 persons)

first knuckle of ham Pre-cooked pork balsamic vinegar
rosemary potatoes (short stories)

Remove the shanks from the package and put it in a lightly greased baking dish. Brush with balsamic vinegar and rosemary.
Cook the potatoes whole and peeled in a pan with a little 'oil for 5 / 10 minutes. Better news though ^ _-!
Add the potatoes to the pan and bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 20 minutes. Pour the shin
and reshoot several times until the end of cooking.

Serve hot.

Any reference to events and people is purely coincidental.

do not need to add more, this is not the place, but I still participate in the initiative promoted by Standard .



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