Saturday, February 5, 2011

Naturalis Millia Treatment

the adventure continues with Guardini!!

Good afternoon!
rapid pace today to show you what has kindly sent Guardini, that thank you!

leader in the field of baking molds, particularly specializing in molds coated steel non-stick, with a family tradition of over 50 years and a great experience.
undisputed leader in Italy, Guardini is one of the leading European manufacturers and exports all over the world the taste of Italian tradition.

know their products and I have already used in the past, now I'm curious to try out these newly arrived!

I received the package yesterday afternoon and I opened it with curiosity in discovering the wonderful nonstick pans and silicone, in particular I was struck by the mold fettexfette !
But the person who is presenting Guardini these days is the "coppapasta!
There is a full line of 6 products with different shapes and sizes that allow us to love cooking and presenting Serve mousse, rice, pasta, vegetables .... and I can not wait to try!

Now, I admit, I do not know where to start ....^_-!

nice day!



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