Friday, February 25, 2011

Tesco Electric London

a year together .... a chat and a heart ..... ....


Here to Friday ed esattamente a venerdì 25/02/2011 una data importante per questo piccolo spazio, perché oggi Puffin in cucina e non solo.... compie un anno!!!

365 giorni fa il primo post, un breve post di presentazione, poche parole per rompere il ghiaccio e cominciare questa avventura.
Poi le prime ricette, le vostre visite e le mie ai vostri blog, i primi commenti, i primi amici…..che emozione!!!

Mi sembra veramente ieri, quando mi sono avvicinata a questo mondo, ad internet. Tutto è cominciato circa 6 anni fa sul forum di cucina di Alf … mio primo album of recipes, discussions, exchange of advice and preparation ....
Then were born the first blog of cuochine Alf, flanked by some of the album, others replace them.
even then I would have liked to do one, but I did not know where to start and especially afraid of not being up, ehehe .... I only say that among the blog I visited was that of Paoletta , heheh .... . you can understand my initial discouragement ^ _ ^

Then in a moment of madness ^ _-, after the birth of my second child, forced abandonment of the forum due to lack of cooking time (with two little girls to ' beginning it was really impossible follow the discussions with continuity and therefore difficult to actively participate in) I decided to create a space where you can share all my recipes and thoughts.
And now I can say I am very glad to have tried it and to be here with you, because every day I learn new recipes, new ingredients, traditions and above all make me company!
I love you!
Although my days are marked by rapid, two daughters, a husband, a job .... qs blog is a small oasis of peace where I can relax you or peering from reading the comments! !
E' quella spinta che mi permette di osare in cucina e di divertirmi a preparare pranzi e cene senza che debbano essere solo un dovere.
Capitano anche degli insuccessi, ma quelli ve li risparmio ^_-!!!
Non è però tutto rose e fiori....a volte mi rendo conto che riuscire a salutarvi o rispondere ai commenti, o peggio non avere niente di buono da postare può essere fonte di frustrazione. Non mi è capitato spesso, ma quando è successo.....ho spento il pc e mi sono ripromessa di riaccenderlo solo quando fosse passato lo stato d'ansia! Fortunatamente è passato rapidamente...
Tutto questo per me è solo un gioco, un sano e divertente passatempo, non ho altre pretese, non sono una cuoca, nè un'aspirante tale, ma sono solo un'appasionata di cucina come tante di voi, con poco tempo da dedicargli!!!
Vi ho annoiato abbastanza?
Avete resistito fino a qui?

Allora vi meritate una fettina di dolce ^_-!!

HEART with strawberry cream and white chocolate

Ingredients for sponge cake:

3 eggs 100 gr flour 100 gr sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 / 2 tablespoon baking powder

Ingredients for the cream without eggs:

1 / 2 cups milk
75 grams of flour 00
25 g starch 175 g sugar 75 g butter
a basket of strawberries

For the topping:

white chocolate flakes
milk chocolate for decorations


prepare the sponge:

Beat eggs with sugar until they are foamy, gradually add the remaining ingredients and continue to beat vigorously.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 30-35 minutes

Prepare the cream:

Place pat of butter from the refrigerator at least an hour earlier. In a saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon the flour, the 'starch and sugar.
Add milk little by little and continue stirring. Once all the milk shed light the stove and continue stirring.
Cook over low heat until the cream is firm.
Cool. Meanwhile
fit in a bowl ammordito butter with an electric mixer and add it to cold cream. Mix the strawberry puree and add the cream.
bisects the sponge cake with a serrated knife, wet the inside with a syrup made by boiling few minutes a bit 'of water with sugar and strawberries into pieces (do not know the exact dose because I made eye).
Stuff internocon the strawberries and cream and rebuild the heart.
Sprinkle cream of the exterior and cover with white chocolate flakes. Garnish with rose
obtained by dissolving in a water bath of milk chocolate and making it harden in the molds.

This cake I prepared some 'time ago .... all the recipes come from the forum's cooking Alf!
I thank you that you are showing me affection, I am very happy to follow you and read you and send you a big
SMACK !!!!!!!!!!!
I remind you that tonight at midnight is the deadline to register for the giveaway .... this is the prize Bread bag made by me ^ _-!
The draw will take place between Saturday and Sunday.

nice day !!!!!

Thanks to Lela ! Bellissimoooo


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