Tuesday, February 15, 2011

9.5 Boot In Burton Large Binding?

says the wise .......

"Se non puoi andare al cinese, il cinese viene da te"



Ingredienti per la pasta:

250 gr di farina
150 ml di acqua
sale qb

Ingredienti per il ripieno:

400 gr di carne macinata di maiale
and beef 1 onion 1 leek
sesame ginger
100 gr + a few leaves of cabbage for cooking
3 tablespoons soy sauce salt


First prepare the dough, kneading in the flour along with water and a pinch of salt until it forms a paste hard and smooth. Let the dough rest under a cloth for an hour.
Prepare the filling:
finely chop the vegetables and cook them in the wok with a tablespoon of oil. Add the minced meat mixture, soy sauce, sesame seeds, a little 'gratttugiato ginger and salt.
Cook everything for a while, if it were to attack to add a tablespoon or more of hot water. Allow to cool and begin to prepare the dumplings.

Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until half inches high and cut with a pastry cutter (or a glass) diameter circles of pasta you like, I chose the smaller size of my mold.

Place the filling in the center ...

... close ...

and the ravioli is ready ....

You can even die without closing the crescent manually welding the edges of the dough with a fork.
Steam by placing on a rack or cabbage leaves and cook for 10-15 minutes until the dough is translucent and transparent.

Serve warm season to taste with soy sauce.

The recipe is for 4 servings, I counted the number of ravioli.
to me is an advanced part of the filling ... I have used in another preparation ^_-!!!

With this recipe I participate in the contest Eleonora

The sages say ...

"All's well that ends well ....."

".... and the last one closes the door ... "

.... continue .....


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