Monday, February 14, 2011

Hot Wheels Rmx Go Kart

Today is our anniversary.
No, well, actually not today, today, yesterday and today, perhaps more today than yesterday but neither of us like it is today, because today is today and today is the day of all, and yesterday is one thing we - or maybe not, maybe because the past is like a party that has to do with who is in love, but honestly I do not remember.
Let's pretend that there is therefore a limbo between past and present, that is yesterday and is not today, but is a bit 'the two. After all, if you kissed me that it was midnight and broken, or just before midnight, I can not know. Moments are not in which one then goes to check the clock, right? What do I care if it was yesterday, today or tomorrow, as long as they kissed me? But then the two of us are together from the first kiss or when you made me choke with a mouthful of chocolate because you told me you wanted to be with me? And even there, I was not looking at his watch. One, because I do not have the watch - I collect them, do not take them, and two, because I was too busy pretending that I did no effect starmene sitting there with you, in that local drinking chocolate and a smile like a fool every time you opened your mouth. I do not know if you noticed but I smile like an idiot when it comes to you. Type geeeh, oh, eeeh, eh eh eh, whatever. I smile and even the ears are a cross between the pathetic and stupid, but what can I do. But that night I did not pretend, imagine, I pretend very focused on the chocolate - which also was flavored with something, because in that room does not give you the regular chocolate, is the stuff of losers, but they put in stuff so it's chocolate, but chocolate intellectuals. I, let's face it, I had not noticed the difference: my chocolate with pink seed had more or less the same flavor of the chocolate Cameo that I do at home, but oh well. However, all this to tell you that I was not keeping an eye on the time, before i said what you said.
So che quando abbiamo guardato di nuovo l'orologio erano le due del mattino, ma era molto dopo, ero ormai stordita di baci, non sapevo manco più come mi chiamavo, figurati tenere d'occhio il tempo.
Quindi forse ho sbagliato a dire che oggi è il nostro anniversario. È stato un esordio prematuro. Non lo so mica quanto può durare un "limbo temporale", non ho mai sentito che ci fossero regole per questo genere di cose. Ma se nessuno ha ancora fatto le regole, allora forse posso fare che oggi è il nostro anniversario. E che lo era anche ieri. E che forse è tutta una scusa per veder sorridere un po' da scemo anche te, o sorridere tutt'e due come degli scemi. Ci viene tanto bene.
Sarà il nostro anniversario per tutta la settimana, facciamo così, tipo ponte festivo, tipo 29 febbraio che c'è e non c'è, tipo Pasqua che si sposta un po' come le pare. E così anche noi. 
Ma comunque, buon anniversario. Qualsiasi giorno sia.


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