Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sonny Cher Full Costumes

Beards' Red the evening "of Brunella Gasperini

"You want my jacket?"
took off and gave it to me I put him, as she crouched there in a blanket, laughing. So they went out only a foot and face.
"Why do not wear shoes?" I asked stupidly. "With all those thorns ..."
"Not hurt me." Leaned her foot toward me, waving his fingers, "See? He has not even a scratch. On the other hand is cold. I warm it a bit '? "
I kept his foot in his hands, was thin and trembling . I thought, shake because he is cold, and do not believe it. I closed my eyes, with every thought that shatters.
"How many girls did you love?" She asked, not after what I know.
"With no" I said. But without feeling ridiculous. Not so much.
"Have never tried?" She said.
Tirai fuori dalla memoria quella volta che avevo circa baciato Elena Rizzi, cioè che lei aveva circa baciato me, al ritorno di una gita semiscolastica nel pullman buio, con tutti che dormivano o si baciavano, e di colpo avevo sentito il suo corpo caldo pesarmi addosso, la caviglia intrecciata alla mia, le labbra umide sul mio collo, e avevo pensato a tutte le cose che lei aveva fatto con gli altri e che anch'io avrei potuto fare adesso, solo se avessi girato la testa; ma non l'avevo girata. E tutte le altre volte, con Claudia Rossi sulle scale dopo una festa, con Maura Zardi al fiume, con Giannetta dietro le cabine, tutte le volte che mi sarebbe bastato girare la testa o tendere una mano, e non avevo teso né voltato niente, at the cost of feeling stupid, and mock me and call San Red Virgin and all. Now I was glad he had not. Because I had never tried the thousandth part of what he felt now, with that little foot between the toes and the smell of moss and hair of blacks.
"never even kissed anyone?"
I shook my head.
I stroked her cheek with the big toe. "Not even on one foot?" He murmured.
With closed eyes, the brain crushed, kisses, finger to finger. It was like kissing the whole, fresh, burning and foreign, finger to finger.
"Come here," said his voice in the dark, thin, a little 'hoarse.
I found myself immersed in the face with his silky hair and dark, and I thought that love was terrible.
"Red," he said with a kind of small moan 'Red who has never kissed anyone ... Mio He stepped back, took my face in her hands: "You look at me?" He prayed.
But I could not. She did not know what I felt, violence, restraint, the charm. I could not.


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