Sunday, February 27, 2011

Poptropica Paint Sample Makeup Test

Danube ... a year later ...

Good Sunday!

Today we reclaim the Danube (I had spoken here), a collection of sandwiches, perfect for buffets or as a main dish.

The main difference compared to the previous one is that I used the dough!

I must say I am very satisfied, because he came soft and soft and has risen very well, I did not regret the previous recipe, however, I recommend it if you do not know.

I found the recipe on the blog The pleasures of the life of Anna and I liked it immediately because I appeared lighter, especially for the content of eggs and butter, than I and I I had initially decided to try replacing the yeast with the pm.

'nuff said ... here's one year after the Danube ^_-!!

fontina e salsiccia/fontina e wusterl


150 gr di pasta madre
500 gr di farina (io ho usato 200 gr di farina 00 e 300 gr di manitoba)
250 ml di latte tiepido
50 ml di olio di oliva
10 gr di zucchero
10 gr di sale
1 uovo intero e 1 tuorlo per spennellare

Per il ripieno

salsiccia leggermente piccante

poppy seeds, sesame seeds


The night before preparing the dough by dissolving the pm in a part of warm milk dough and adding (Ken) As all the ingredients, salt at last.
Let rise overnight.
the morning and return the dough before forming a sausage shape around a fold of type 1 Adriano, putting the dough to rise in the oven with the light on for about 1 hour.
Resume fomare and the mixture gently with a sausage, split into 16 parts, more or less the same ^ _-.
With each piece to form a ball and the center wanted to put the filling (I did fontina sausage, the sausage is the one that sent me Annamaria in the package that you sent me kindly before Christmas, sometimes the coincidences ! ^ __ ^ and fontina and wusterl), close the balls and place them into the pan with parchment paper. The party should be closed down. Brush with egg yolk and add to taste the seeds, I put sesame seeds on the balls with the sausage and the poppy up with those sausage). Leave lievitare nella teglia per circa 3 ore (deve addoppiare di volume). Ho lasciato lievitare il tutto nel forno con la luce accesa e un pentolino di acqua calda.
Cuocere nel forno caldo a 180°C per circa 30 minuti.

Ecco un panino..

 e l'interno...

Ora vado a giocare con le mie birbanti prima che mi colorino tutta casa....a più later!!

Panasonic 3ccd Pro Sumer

sogNiaSogna even shoes and navigation of the river

Pizza and wine evening, and I said it all:

Two different stories, seemingly unrelated. The first
. A
Navigation river. The vivid image of a route marked on a map where the riverboat opened the way in the dense vegetation. Navigation and do not run against well-intended. The feeling was to be either bandits or unjustly accused. At the command of the helm a lonely woman, to whom I gave my support and consideration. We came to the landing, and large container cranes.

Second story.
My ex-mother-in-law, her mother, my current boyfriend. All domestic annoyed by that fee. But no one openly expresses his opinion. Hung in the air that was money wasted. Work that I had to do. The grandmother, who had the name Island - tied to navigation first maybe? -, Wore high heels, silver sandals with rhinestones that came out and the foot slightly off the front of the shoe. Rested on the ground right next to shopping bags on her feet and shoes that closes the picture.

I have to take a lighter dinner.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mac Trading Pokemon When Using A Rom

curious? ... Let's see who won?

It 's the winner of the blog candy!
His name was extracted from 115 participants (for transparency omonini following names in order of entry were accompanied by the name of the blog).

The draw was made by the hands of My little girl of 2 ½ years: D.

Francesca Just notify me by e-mail address to send you the bag:

thank all of the investment, I enjoyed this game and allowed me to meet new friends ^ _ ^
After a contest and a candy ... now I just have to prepare a giveway .... the next ^_-!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tesco Electric London

a year together .... a chat and a heart ..... ....


Here to Friday ed esattamente a venerdì 25/02/2011 una data importante per questo piccolo spazio, perché oggi Puffin in cucina e non solo.... compie un anno!!!

365 giorni fa il primo post, un breve post di presentazione, poche parole per rompere il ghiaccio e cominciare questa avventura.
Poi le prime ricette, le vostre visite e le mie ai vostri blog, i primi commenti, i primi amici…..che emozione!!!

Mi sembra veramente ieri, quando mi sono avvicinata a questo mondo, ad internet. Tutto è cominciato circa 6 anni fa sul forum di cucina di Alf … mio primo album of recipes, discussions, exchange of advice and preparation ....
Then were born the first blog of cuochine Alf, flanked by some of the album, others replace them.
even then I would have liked to do one, but I did not know where to start and especially afraid of not being up, ehehe .... I only say that among the blog I visited was that of Paoletta , heheh .... . you can understand my initial discouragement ^ _ ^

Then in a moment of madness ^ _-, after the birth of my second child, forced abandonment of the forum due to lack of cooking time (with two little girls to ' beginning it was really impossible follow the discussions with continuity and therefore difficult to actively participate in) I decided to create a space where you can share all my recipes and thoughts.
And now I can say I am very glad to have tried it and to be here with you, because every day I learn new recipes, new ingredients, traditions and above all make me company!
I love you!
Although my days are marked by rapid, two daughters, a husband, a job .... qs blog is a small oasis of peace where I can relax you or peering from reading the comments! !
E' quella spinta che mi permette di osare in cucina e di divertirmi a preparare pranzi e cene senza che debbano essere solo un dovere.
Capitano anche degli insuccessi, ma quelli ve li risparmio ^_-!!!
Non è però tutto rose e fiori....a volte mi rendo conto che riuscire a salutarvi o rispondere ai commenti, o peggio non avere niente di buono da postare può essere fonte di frustrazione. Non mi è capitato spesso, ma quando è successo.....ho spento il pc e mi sono ripromessa di riaccenderlo solo quando fosse passato lo stato d'ansia! Fortunatamente è passato rapidamente...
Tutto questo per me è solo un gioco, un sano e divertente passatempo, non ho altre pretese, non sono una cuoca, nè un'aspirante tale, ma sono solo un'appasionata di cucina come tante di voi, con poco tempo da dedicargli!!!
Vi ho annoiato abbastanza?
Avete resistito fino a qui?

Allora vi meritate una fettina di dolce ^_-!!

HEART with strawberry cream and white chocolate

Ingredients for sponge cake:

3 eggs 100 gr flour 100 gr sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 / 2 tablespoon baking powder

Ingredients for the cream without eggs:

1 / 2 cups milk
75 grams of flour 00
25 g starch 175 g sugar 75 g butter
a basket of strawberries

For the topping:

white chocolate flakes
milk chocolate for decorations


prepare the sponge:

Beat eggs with sugar until they are foamy, gradually add the remaining ingredients and continue to beat vigorously.
Bake at 180 ° C for about 30-35 minutes

Prepare the cream:

Place pat of butter from the refrigerator at least an hour earlier. In a saucepan, stirring with a wooden spoon the flour, the 'starch and sugar.
Add milk little by little and continue stirring. Once all the milk shed light the stove and continue stirring.
Cook over low heat until the cream is firm.
Cool. Meanwhile
fit in a bowl ammordito butter with an electric mixer and add it to cold cream. Mix the strawberry puree and add the cream.
bisects the sponge cake with a serrated knife, wet the inside with a syrup made by boiling few minutes a bit 'of water with sugar and strawberries into pieces (do not know the exact dose because I made eye).
Stuff internocon the strawberries and cream and rebuild the heart.
Sprinkle cream of the exterior and cover with white chocolate flakes. Garnish with rose
obtained by dissolving in a water bath of milk chocolate and making it harden in the molds.

This cake I prepared some 'time ago .... all the recipes come from the forum's cooking Alf!
I thank you that you are showing me affection, I am very happy to follow you and read you and send you a big
SMACK !!!!!!!!!!!
I remind you that tonight at midnight is the deadline to register for the giveaway .... this is the prize Bread bag made by me ^ _-!
The draw will take place between Saturday and Sunday.

nice day !!!!!

Thanks to Lela ! Bellissimoooo

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Scabiesin The Gentiala

heart Landis

Un lupo mannaro americano a Londra

Ma la Dandini, a John Landis, tra tutte le cose, doveva chiedere di Franco e Ciccio?

Comunque, non vedo l'ora di andare a vedere Burke & Hare .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cuff Bracelet On The Bachelorette

trout and vegetables ...

Good day!

fish! ^ _-

This morning, I propose an easy recipe, easy to make a simple tasty fish fillet.

You know that little by little I ate any kind of fish, crustaceans and in particular did not like in my house was hardly ever cooked, because my father was sick just to smell!

Growing up I started to taste and slowly, because I was very hesitant, I began to appreciate more and more and now I must say I like it so much!

I'm not good at cooking, and because I started late, either because they live far from the sea, I have the recipes of tradition and is more convenient for me to use its frozen state, with much less variety and flavor of the fresh .

However, if you fancy a second fish with no particular claim you can live with that now with this recipe can be adapted to any thread, the original was with the fillet of mackerel that I had not ^ _-.

trout fillets crusted salmon with vegetables

Ingredients (for two):
2 fillets of salmon trout 2 small zucchini
1 lemon 1 orange
green olives
chopped parsley salt and pepper


Marinate the fillets of trout with a few tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice, the orange juice (keep aside the rind), a pinch of garlic and chilli (flavorings for sauces, vegetables and fish) ARIOSTO for at least an hour.

Heat a non-stick pan two tablespoons oil with a tablespoon of prepared vegetables ARIOSTO ( seasonings for delicious tomato sauces ), then add the zucchne cut into small pieces and peel of half a lemon and half an orange (no white part) into strips ; cook for another 5 minutes, adding a little 'the fish from the marinade if the vegetables tend to stick to the bottom.

Drain the fish fillets and arrange in a baking tray lined with baking paper, with the skin side on the bottom, cover with the vegetables wilted in a pan and adds sliced \u200b\u200bolives, capers and chopped parsley chopped.

Bake for 12-15 minutes at 180 ° C.

participate in the contest with this recipe citrus CINZIA

and the collection of Band of BROCCOLI:

the next ....*__*

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Verucca Will Not Disappear

I love

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Canon Powershot S5 Is Slr Mi

SOgNiaSogna letters, lawyers and prawns

Time to go to bed. And probably dreaming.
What will? Maybe later? We will be in court or to seek accessories, bags maybe, to donate!?

Last night I received a letter from a lawyer. In beautiful calligraphy was written my name on the envelope and also the address was correct. The open, and the interior was not as accurate. A photocopy of the sloppy, almost a piece of paper recycled in a hotel, with 4 lines specific lime, rust color. I meditate, I talk with one of my holding in front of a plate of cous cous with shellfish. Something for grill in foil but very appealing to the eye. Some concern. But not too much.

Then coffee. At the bar there for my ex-boyfriend. He tells me that they promoted - not to make coffee, but what is its true and actual work is not in a dream - and will work in Rome. He complains that not enough appropriate clothes. I offer to give her some of my shoes, and I insist as well that are new and appropriate!

Now we come to us.
There is a situation that worries me, I hope so too exaggerated and just be disappointed. Hence all these rumination, but you get to breathe out giving up the object of my desire, my shoes, my ex boyfriend to want there. Searching
good therapist specializing in guilt.

6210 Agp Card Is Good

a cake "happy" for the Saint Lucia

Buona domenica,
oggi vi propongo una torta semplice e divertente, perfetta per i bambini.

L'ho scoperta per caso e si tratta di una ricetta che è stata presentata qualche tempo fa alla Prova del Cuoco.

Quando l'ho vista ho subito pensato all'iniziativa di Caris  e così oggi con la mia bimba più grande ci siamo messe all'opera......non è venuta come l'originale, ma è talmente importante lo scopo della raccolta che la posto lo stesso.

Purtroppo il Santa Lucia rischia di chiudere perchè la Regione Lazio non ha fondi a sufficienza, we can not do much except to express our disappointment and also help to give the department of neurophysiology a collection of recipes for kids, recipes bright and colorful, bringing in a good mood who has every right to be sad, and this recipe is definitely perfect for the purpose.



3 eggs 150 g sugar 200 g
100 ml di olio di semi
80 ml di acqua o di latte
2 cucchiaini di lieivito in polvere

per i colori:
marrone = cacao sciolto in un dito di acqua
per gli altri ho usato i coloranti alimentari, ma sarebbe meglio usare succo di barbabietole, rape rosse, fragole, bietole…)


Sbattere i tuorli con lo zucchero, aggiungere l'acqua, l'olio, la farina ed il lievito setacciati (io ho usato il comodo spargifarina of PEDRINI ) while stirring. Last put the egg whites until stiff.
mix from top to bottom for eitare we deflate the mixture and divide into 4 bowls aggiunngendo in each color.
Grease and flour a cake pan and pour a little from the center 'of the compound, one on top until all the dough. Will be as many rows as there are bodies that pay more and are more beautiful is the color effect .... I did just four lines because chatting with my daughter, even with her that became quiet for a moment, I forgot what the exact process ^ _-

Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

oven and sprinkle with powdered sugar, if you like.

So with this recipe I participate in a recipe for SAINT LUCIA promoted by Caris :

I invite you to participate.

Good Sunday

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bower Adapter Camera Lens

new partnership ...... and anticipating the reward of my candy ....

Happy Saturday everyone!

Today extraordinary post (do not usually post on Saturday ^ _-) To talk about the rich package that I received this week by the CHIAVAZZA MOLINO!

I do not say you do not know them?

meantime I can say that for over fifty years Molino F.lli Chiavazza produces flour and wheat flour and manufactures a wide range of products for home use.
Then as they try to further describe the products:)

And as you can imagine I am very happy and thank you very much!!

As you can see there are traditional meals, prepared for bread and dessert and pudding ..... and so now I just have to get to work ^ _-

Then I also wanted to reveal what the prize of my candy, which expires next week (for those who were not registered as you remember to do it here ).... since first I could not wait to show it .... eventually there will be one winner .... unfortunately, I could not prepare much, my time is always a little ....

.... you understand what it is?

Hope you enjoy ....

and win the most fortunate!

A serene Sunday!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Think I Think Im In Love With You Quotes

Diabetic Side Dish Recipes

SogniaSogna betrayals and traitors

It sometimes happens that the street smile to a person over thought, and understood that she will risorrida, so free. It also happens to not receive any expression. Or happen to see slipping away looks. Maybe someone also makes a gesture with his hand to say "fuck you want?".
It also happens that, although you faccia una cosa con i migliori proposti, tu sia fraintesa pesantemente e offesa accreditandoti gesti ed intenti che sicuramente non erano i tuoi.
Bene io ho vissuto proprio questo sentimento in questi giorni.

Manco a farlo a posta, seppur con cena leggera, tutto questo movimento emotivo trapassa nel mondo onirico.

Sono da un fornitore con il quale non lavoro più, proprio perché creduto "traditore". Mi trovo a dare la carina, proprio presa da un disagio dovuto all'interruzione del rapporto, ma allo stesso tempo dettato dal trovarsi in necessità tali da dover riaffacciarsi alla sua porta e richiedere i suoi servizi. Atteggiamento simpatico, non sincero, dettato dalla necessaria request for special treatment. Outside, I come to encounter with one of my owners - that of Verba Volant - who accuses me in a nutshell of sympathizing with the enemy.

And to think that I had carelessly littered the bed of lavender, relaxes and lucky ...

Alex Russo Fur Wallpaper

squeezed my way ^ _-

Good day!

As you have seen since arriving in the house HE (we read Ken) and was born YOU (we read sourdough) all I do is mix!

After the bread, pizza and panbrioche .... what was missing the leaven?

But cake and a cake like the Genoese in particular, my favorite.

I come from is called crushed and be good to be greasy, salty and crunchy ...

ovens are few in my area are able to do a dunk worthy of the name, or is too high and soft or greasy or worse, just a little greasy and too high.

cloning here and there I was able to prepare a cake that has met our tastes and that did not survive an hour of snacks ^_-!!

with sourdough


250 g sourdough
150 gr 100 gr 00 flour
20 g olive oil
about 150-180 ml lukewarm water 1 teaspoon salt

coarse salt and olive oil


I kneaded the dough with flour, oil, warm water and salt. I used Ken, mixing with the leaf until the dough did not seem curvature, then I used the hook by dropping a couple of times.
I let the dough rise overnight in the morning I shot and I took a tour of folds as described by Adriano . I made the dough rise in the oven with the light on and a bowl of hot water.
After about half an hour I leveled with her hands trying not to squeeze too much and I have spread the dough in a greased pan with olive oil, put the pan back in the oven with the light bulb for an hour.
I anointed the surface and added salt.
I put the pan in the fridge and I turned on the oven to 250 ° C, the temperature reached as soon as I baked for 10 minutes at the bottom then the top to finish browning.

What do you think?

nice day!