Sunday, March 6, 2011

What's So Bad About Wikipedia

a donut all-girl ^ _-!

Good morning and happy Sunday!

This morning the weather is uncertain ..... and I am assonnatissima because, as always, I have my girls "sbrandato" from my comfortable bed and hot!

Before entering into the vortex of the housework backward (and there are many !!!!)..... here I am to present a simple Dolcino I made last Sunday at the theme of dell'inizitiva facebook proposed by GUARDINI .

The issue in question is the International Women's Day .... a party that I do not feel much, because in recent years in my opinion has lost sight of the real one meaning to be reduced to an excuse to go out and have fun making it only a celebration of consumerism !

But the origins of this festival are very different ...... as far back as 1908, when a few days before March 8, New York, the Cotton Textile Industry Workers went on strike to protest against the terrible conditions in which they were forced to work. The strike lasted for several days, until the owner Mr. Johnson, blocked all the gates of the factory to prevent workers leaving. Establishment was set on fire and the 129 workers trapped inside were burned to death by the flames.
Then on March 8 has been proposed as the date to commemorate this event, to avoid a repeat of everything ..... to repeat the achievements of social, political and economic conditions of women ... which unfortunately are still non-existent in many parts of the world ..... a day in which to reflect ...

For the initiative to GUARDINI I thought of a simple cake for us all ^ _-!

Here .....



3 eggs 170 g sugar 250 g flour
50 ml of milk
2 jars of natural yogurt white
60 grams of vegetable oil
1 packet of lieivito
few drops of vanilla essence
cherries and their syrup FABBRI

For the frosting:

icing sugar few drops of lemon
cherry syrup 1 egg white


Beat eggs with sugar, add while stirring the yogurt, vanilla essence, milk, flour and sifted lieivito and oil.

una cimabella rosa...come il suo stampo ^_-

Imburrare ed infarinare lo stampo apribile "Primavera" a ciambella della GUARDINI e versare metà composto, nel rimanente impasto aggiungere qualche cucchiaio di sciroppo di amarene e amarene a pezzetti FABBRI. Versare questo composto, che sarà leggermente rosa nello stampo, e con l'aiuto di una forchetta mescolare delicatamente con il primo impasto versato in modo da creare una sorta di variegatura.

Infornare nel forno caldo a 180°C per 35-40 minuti.

oven and let cool.

Decorate as desired with icing obtained with a beaten egg white, powdered sugar and cherry syrup FABBRI.
To pay two-tone icing on the cake first and then add even more clear and pour the syrup darker.

With this recipe I participate in the contest of the Sisters in pot :

Good Sunday!


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