Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is Lily Thai First Film

a salute to Carnival and thanks to the sweet Francesca:)

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Today last day of Carnival!

Carnival is a feast for me that I can never live at all, rarely know when it begins ... always know when it ends ^_-!!!

Cne then how about some sugary brothers to say goodbye?
What is this?

simple donuts voids typical of Lucca.

The name derives from their shape with the central hole, reminiscent of the tonsure of the friars ^_-!!!
Eheheh ... Lucca churches and religious do not mess around! ^_-!!!
It 's the first time and I admit that prepares them to be a bit' fried by a landslide, even though I really like, I try to avoid it when possible and replace it with the baking. So I'm not at all practical ...

Sometimes you must dare some goodness and enjoy without feeling too guilty, and what better time of the Carnival?


Ingredients (for 35-40 Friars):
1 kg of flour 00
2 cubes of fresh yeast or 2 packets of the dry
3 tablespoons
sugar zest of one lemon grated untreated
1 cup vegetable oil
200 ml of warm water (*)
a pinch of salt

plenty of sugar for decoration and cooking oil .


Dissolve the yeast in a little 'warm water. Add them to the flour and begin kneading by hand or with the planet, gradually adding the oil, sugar and water. The amount of water (*) is indicative aggiungentene until your dough is soft and elastic.
Let the dough rest for at least two hours in a warm place, away from drafts' air.
Once again the leavened dough and flatten to a height of a finger.
Train plovers with the help of circular shapes, I used a cup and a cap of a bottle of 'water.
Let them rest for an hour and then fry the donuts formed in hot oil.
Drain, dry with paper towels and roll in the hot sugar.

The photos are not just bright and colorful ... ehehe forgive me I'm a bit 'dazed and despite the costumes of the girls in the house and shooting stars (and wishing some coriander infiltrated by children's parties) I did not have the quickness to cover up even my brothers, I noticed when I downloaded the photos on the PC and the plate is not nothing but a bit ' zucchero……^_-!!!

Approfitto anche per comunicarvi che ieri pomeriggio al rientro dal lavoro ho trovato nella cassetta della posta  una bellissima sorpresa che mi ha messo subito di buon umore:

il meraviglioso premio che ho vinto partecipando al primo blog candy di Francesca di Nel cuore dei sapori.

E' la prima volta che vinco qualcosa e il caso ha voluto che l'estrazione fosse fatta il 25 febbraio, giorno in cui anche il mio blog festeggiava l'anno...ehehe...il suo è più vecchio di un giorno ^_-!!!

The sweet Francesca added to the colorful cups, the friendly wing and romantic scented pot holder and a soft bag! THANKS!

Finally .... I wish everyone a happy day and a good celebration of women (even if you know what I think about it ^ _-) to all the ladies and young ladies who pass from here!
A kiss!


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