Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How To Make A Shemagh Scarf

sourdough bread .... experiment

Buongiorno carissimi

Innanzitutto voglio ringraziarvi per la calorosa accoglienza che avete dimostrato partecipando al mio primo candy ... I'm glad you've joined ... you are fantastic and of course .. ... .... win the luckiest! ^ _-

you remember to subscribe, there is still a month and the time Puffin waiting for you to turn off the candle!

you remember my new friend?

you refresh my memory?? Heheh ... now the drinks at my house are Odin's day ^ _-

For those not familiar I presented here.

Once the dough is ready, there is nothing more than mixing and so this morning I start with my first attempts to propose experiments or baking.

will post them as a sort of diary, because when I write on the blog, many recipes to find more easily here than in the EXERCISE and they're accompanied by my and your impressions in this If I will be very, very helpful ^ _ ^

I admit that I am attached to my new friend, my daughter said to cuddle at night and I open the fridge to see how it is: O!.

Slowly, slowly, after refreshing refreshment is maturing and this is as it is now after two weeks and at least another 4 / 5 refreshments ..............

start by saying that the drinks were not that necessary to keep it healthy, it would have been enough just a couple, or one every 5 / 6 days. My
refreshments were taken, as they are being tested and every occasion is good for mixing.

What is my purpose?

Simply make a good bread with the procedures feasible and conciliabili con il poco tempo che ho a disposizione.
Ossia preparazioni che mi permettano di preparare il pane, non solo nel week end quando sono a casa, ma anche durante la settimana utilizzando la MDP mentre sono a lavoro.

Per ora, con la MDP, non ho trovato la ricetta giusta :( 
Ho preparato due pani, dal buon sapore, ma  poco lievitati rispetto a quelli che ottengo con il lievito di birra a parità di farina.
Devo ancora studiare i tempi.....muble..muble....

Ho ottenuto un risultato migliore, impastando con il Ken e cuocendo nel forno elettrico.
Il primo esperimento, ve lo risparmio....avevo sbagliato la dose iniziale dell’acqua e il povero pane con farina integrale e pm giovanissima, stentava a lievitare bene.
Ne è uscito un pane che è "esploso" in forno anche se di buon sapore......

Quello che vi propongo è il secondo esperimento....




200 gr pasta madre
400 gr farina (suddivisa tra manitoba, farina 00 and granulated) 250 ml of warm water
1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon salt


The night before I refreshed and I am left until the morning, then about 8-10 hours. The next morning when I got the part needed for the bread and the rest I put in the fridge.

I mixed in the ken pm with flour, oil, salt and water to last for ten minutes at first. I used the hook.
then I got the dough, I made a ball, I did and I put the screwdriver to rise nel forno spento con la luce accesa ed una ciotola d’acqua calda sul fondo per circa 3 ore. Raggiungendo così una temperatura di circa 25°C.

Dopo le 3 ore (quando l’impasto ha raddoppiato il suo volume), ho preso l’impasto e l’ho appoggiato sulla spianatoia cercando di non schiacciarlo troppo ed ho fatto un giro di pieghe .

Ho lasciato lievitare per un’altra oretta sempre nel forno e poi gli ho dato la forma del pane, anche in qs caso lavorandolo delicatamente con hands.

I waited another hour, hour and a half and then I baked in the oven at 250 ° C, putting in a bottom pan with water.

I also preheated the pan with the cooking and I took the wooden pallets (those of the oven Ferrari) and I the loaf nestled gently in the hot pan.
I let it cook for a total of 40 minutes, halfway through the cooking I left open the oven door with a ladle. The last 10 minutes I lifted the pan of water and I placed the bread on the bottom under the grill.
Once I baked wrapped in a towel and I did cool vertically.

... And then I sliced!


Good taste, good flavor and good texture. Alveoli small ... ... Maybe he needed to rise longer.
has maintained good for 4 / 5 days.

What do you think?
I gladly accept suggestions.

nice day!!


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