Monday, January 31, 2011

Chemistry Behind Stomach

Sights reader

sniff books before you buy.
now I read the end before you start flipping through the book.
As a child I ate the corners pages.
I never did her ears to keep the sign.
emphasize the parts that I like better.
When I was a child I was reading in secret at the table.
favorite book is titled Rosso di Sera , Brunella Gasperini, and has never read any.
He had not even read the man of my life, so I gave him my copy.
I read in the bathroom.
I have a camping flashlight for reading in bed, after turning off the light .
I collect books of fairy tales.
I also collect old Urania.
I like the soft covers.
I do not like the covers with titles in relief.
My favorite genre is the pulp.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dog Rubbing Against Furniture

textiles and books tilda

Hello Girls, I leave you this link of my shop on Facebook, where you can find articles Tilda fabrics on offer ... all discounted by 20% .. Hello Alessandra
clik on the title and be referred to the pages ..

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Scripture Tote Backpack

with the heart .... thanks ^ _ ^

as I got to say on several occasions I have little time to devote to the blog .... so I decided, reluctantly, not to attend the awards.
But when I received it from 3 sweetest bloggers I could not accept it and ignore it.
Also because this award allows us to speak of ourselves, which we do not always hiding behind the recipes;)

So a thank you from the heart to Angelica , Marcella and Iva !

Many thanks also to Stefan and golosina ^ _ ^

This award has three rules to be accepted, you must:

1. thank the blogger who gave us the prize

2. tell 7 things about himself

3. pass the award on 10 popular new blog

first point made:), we pass to the second .... 7 things about me ????????? oh mom how hard it is!! Let

- are reserved and rather shy, I can hardly open myself with people just met.

- are a good listener and I like talking .... although lately I do not have many friends with whom to do it.
- I love my family and I love my daughters, are two little rascals:)

- I love to cook a bit 'of everything, but my passion is cakes and muffins in particular ! I also love to embroider and treat plants .... after a long day of work even finished the housework, that helps me half an hour to relax and recharge.

- they are very touchy, but sincere. And I know my limits. I do not love flattery and sometimes, when they annoy me too.

- are fickle ..... alternating moments of elation and moments of absolute apathy, but when I start a difficult thing to leave in half.

- are instinctively ... if something I like, I like it just the same way, if you do not like ...... often I rely on first impressions and I'm right!

What an effort! ^ _-

Here we are at the third point, let skip to ..... for two reasons, first is what we already know, the short time available, the second is that many of you have already received the prize and so I prefer to turn to anyone who steps here and willing to participate!

But I have not finished yet!

this morning ... the post is a bit 'long ...: O

coloration You have already done?

Have you seen the photo at the beginning?
So the recipe?? Do not you want it?

: (

But I will leave the same!!


Eccolaaaa .....

muffins with yogurt and CLEMENTINE

Ingredients (12 muffins):

3 eggs 160 g sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

125 grams of yogurt white whole

220 grams of flour 2 teaspoons baking powder for cakes
the juice and zest clementines 6 (untreated)

icing sugar for decoration


Mix flour with sugar, vanilla, zest clementines and yeast. In another bowl mix the eggs with the yougur and juice. Combine dry ingredients to the liquid, then mix quickly and fill to 2 / 3 cups of the paper already prepared in a special pan. You can also use aluminum containers dispensed.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.

the oven, let cool and decorate with icing sugar. With this recipe

participate naturl;) to contest Cinzia

the romantic contest Flavia

that invaded the blog sphere of sweet hearts!

Good Sunday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cruising Places New Jersey

Dragon Age II

We hope that March comes in a hurry :-)

What Should I Putinside Of Guest Book


Io rispetto quest'uomo dal profondo del mio cuore.

Tengo invece a ribadire e a sottolineare il mio sentito disprezzo per il Tg5, che qualche giorno fa (mi sembra il 25) ha trasmesso un servizio sul fatto che se la madre di Berlusconi non fosse morta tre anni fa, a novantasette anni, quel giorno avrebbe compiuto cento anni. Quando ho sentito la notizia quasi non ci credevo... Il Tg5 è praticamente il blog di Berlusconi. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Clip Arts Hannah Montana Grande

I Could Have gotten one more person

Schindler : I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just … I could have got more.
Stern : Oskar, there are eleven hundred people who are alive because of you. Look at them.
Schindler : If I'd made more money … I threw away so much money. You have no idea. If I'd just …
Stern : There will be generations because of what you did.
Schindler : I didn't do enough!
Stern : You did so much.
[Schindler looks at his car]
Schindler : This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people.
[Removing Nazi pin from lapel]
Schindler : This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. I could have gotten one more person … and I didn't! And I … I didn't!

400-watt Antec Power Supply For Sale

Turn off the radiators!

Happy Thursday!

No, I'm still mad at all, so even if there is a sun, soon to turn off the radiators in the house ..... but if you cook as a first course to the attention ... chili ^_-!!!!!!!!

RADIATOR "on" with cauliflower

Ingredienti 4 persone:

350 gr di radiatori o altro formato di pasta corta
1 cavolfiore bianco non troppo grande
5/6 filetti di alici sott'olio
una manciata abbondante di pinoli
1 spicchio di aglio
olio evo
1 peperoncino o più (mi raccomando uno solo, se sono particolarmente "accesi" ^_- )
sale e pepe


cuocere le cime del cavolfiore in una pentola con acqua bollente salata, dove poi farete cuocere la pasta.
Quando è lessato, togliere il cavolfiore, buttare la pasta e in una padella rosolare uno spicchio d'aglio e il peperoncino (che poi eventualmente potete togliere). Aggiungere i filetti di alici e i pinoli, lasciar cuocere qualche minuto e aggiungere le cimette di cavolfiore lessate.
Scolare la pasta e passare in padella, spolverare con pepe macinato fresco e servire....

.....buon appetito!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Uti Discharge Pregnant

" The apartment, "Billy Wilder Gosh

Jack Lemmon and Shirley McLaine, The Apartment (The Apartment) , 1960, Billy Wilder

CC Baxter: "I love her, Miss Kubelik."
Fren Kubelik : [looks at the cards ] "Three ... Queen."
CC Baxter: "Did you hear what I said, Miss Kubelik? I love it to death."
Fren Kubelik : 'Do the cards. And then ridimmelo. "

Il miglior film di Wilder, IMHO.

Baby Flem After Eating

Il signor scrocco, che è uomo più savio e meno sprovveduto della sottoscritta, mi ha consigliato di segnalarvi l'uscita dell'antologia del premio Fantastique , che contiene il mio racconto. Trovate il libro qui , per adesso, poi (credo) nelle librerie, forse?, boh. «È pur sempre pubblicità!», mi ha fatto notare il signor scrocco. 
In effetti, diciamo, è la prima volta che vengo pubblicata. Ecco.

How To Make A Shemagh Scarf

sourdough bread .... experiment

Buongiorno carissimi

Innanzitutto voglio ringraziarvi per la calorosa accoglienza che avete dimostrato partecipando al mio primo candy ... I'm glad you've joined ... you are fantastic and of course .. ... .... win the luckiest! ^ _-

you remember to subscribe, there is still a month and the time Puffin waiting for you to turn off the candle!

you remember my new friend?

you refresh my memory?? Heheh ... now the drinks at my house are Odin's day ^ _-

For those not familiar I presented here.

Once the dough is ready, there is nothing more than mixing and so this morning I start with my first attempts to propose experiments or baking.

will post them as a sort of diary, because when I write on the blog, many recipes to find more easily here than in the EXERCISE and they're accompanied by my and your impressions in this If I will be very, very helpful ^ _ ^

I admit that I am attached to my new friend, my daughter said to cuddle at night and I open the fridge to see how it is: O!.

Slowly, slowly, after refreshing refreshment is maturing and this is as it is now after two weeks and at least another 4 / 5 refreshments ..............

start by saying that the drinks were not that necessary to keep it healthy, it would have been enough just a couple, or one every 5 / 6 days. My
refreshments were taken, as they are being tested and every occasion is good for mixing.

What is my purpose?

Simply make a good bread with the procedures feasible and conciliabili con il poco tempo che ho a disposizione.
Ossia preparazioni che mi permettano di preparare il pane, non solo nel week end quando sono a casa, ma anche durante la settimana utilizzando la MDP mentre sono a lavoro.

Per ora, con la MDP, non ho trovato la ricetta giusta :( 
Ho preparato due pani, dal buon sapore, ma  poco lievitati rispetto a quelli che ottengo con il lievito di birra a parità di farina.
Devo ancora studiare i tempi.....muble..muble....

Ho ottenuto un risultato migliore, impastando con il Ken e cuocendo nel forno elettrico.
Il primo esperimento, ve lo risparmio....avevo sbagliato la dose iniziale dell’acqua e il povero pane con farina integrale e pm giovanissima, stentava a lievitare bene.
Ne è uscito un pane che è "esploso" in forno anche se di buon sapore......

Quello che vi propongo è il secondo esperimento....




200 gr pasta madre
400 gr farina (suddivisa tra manitoba, farina 00 and granulated) 250 ml of warm water
1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon salt


The night before I refreshed and I am left until the morning, then about 8-10 hours. The next morning when I got the part needed for the bread and the rest I put in the fridge.

I mixed in the ken pm with flour, oil, salt and water to last for ten minutes at first. I used the hook.
then I got the dough, I made a ball, I did and I put the screwdriver to rise nel forno spento con la luce accesa ed una ciotola d’acqua calda sul fondo per circa 3 ore. Raggiungendo così una temperatura di circa 25°C.

Dopo le 3 ore (quando l’impasto ha raddoppiato il suo volume), ho preso l’impasto e l’ho appoggiato sulla spianatoia cercando di non schiacciarlo troppo ed ho fatto un giro di pieghe .

Ho lasciato lievitare per un’altra oretta sempre nel forno e poi gli ho dato la forma del pane, anche in qs caso lavorandolo delicatamente con hands.

I waited another hour, hour and a half and then I baked in the oven at 250 ° C, putting in a bottom pan with water.

I also preheated the pan with the cooking and I took the wooden pallets (those of the oven Ferrari) and I the loaf nestled gently in the hot pan.
I let it cook for a total of 40 minutes, halfway through the cooking I left open the oven door with a ladle. The last 10 minutes I lifted the pan of water and I placed the bread on the bottom under the grill.
Once I baked wrapped in a towel and I did cool vertically.

... And then I sliced!


Good taste, good flavor and good texture. Alveoli small ... ... Maybe he needed to rise longer.
has maintained good for 4 / 5 days.

What do you think?
I gladly accept suggestions.

nice day!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catchy Support Phrases

A giveaway: my!!

Happy Sunday ....

Tonight I propose a simple candy, or simply better my first blog candy .... I hope you want to participate ....

In about a month my little blog will take a year and on this occasion I would like to give something to some of you, to thank and celebrate the affection shown to me every day. ^ _ ^

I thought of a contest, but since I could not even prepare the pdf of the previous Pasta cold passion!, I decided di rimandare ad un'altra occasione ^_-
A proposito è quasi pronto!!! E' quel quasi che mi frega ^_-

Quindi ho deciso di indire (oddio come sono formale ^_-) un  candy con un piccolo premio...

Quale sarà il premio???

Eheeh....non ve lo dico ora, dovete partecipare sulla fiducia!

Semmai, ve lo mostro...più avanti....^_-

Vi dico solo che si tratta di qualcosa che ha attinenza con la cucina. :O

Non immaginatevi grande cose!!

Quali sono le regole per partecipare?


- lasciare un commento a questo post
- inserire il banner nel vostro blog con il link al post

Essere tra i lettori non è un requisito obbligatorio, ma naturalmente mi farebbe piacere che lo foste, anche perchè vorrei che il regalino potesse andare qualcuno che, in un certo senso, mi conosce...

Può partecipare chiunque, anche chi non ha un blog, l'importante è che olte a lasciare il commento mi invii un email a  in modo che poi possa contattarlo in caso di vincita.

Quando terminerà e ci sarà l'estrazione?
Le iscrizioni sono aperte fino alla mezzanotte di venerdì 25 febbraio  data in cui è iniziata la mia avventura con il blog!

L'estrazione avverrà tra il sabato e la domenica, con il classico sistema dei nomi sui foglietti, ad opera di una delle mie bimbe o di entrambe se i premi saranno more than one.

If within a week, the winner will not be alive, I shall another extraction.

All clear?

It starts ....
.... Subscriptions start and win the luckiest !!!!!!

Oh I forgot here is the banner to be taken :

great week!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tech Deck Colored Trucks For Sale

throw the mask?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Optimist Pram Rigging

Jane Austen!

It 's been a while that I wanted to publish on this blog!
Hope you enjoy!

Constipation How To Solve

Last week, Bob asked:

" Tasks for everyone. Get a list of your five resolutions for the new year. "

I prevaricated, I think.
However, before receiving the tasks for next week, I promise:
  1. to leverage "my own ability to stay calm whatever"
  2. be patient and look beyond
  3. to be cautious and weighted
  4. seek the essence of all
  5. reducing consumption and avoiding waste, more ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2004 Honda Pilot Snow Plow

SognaSogna good intentions: the teacher of yoga

come from her, after leaving your luggage's hotel, after a journey by train. Around my classmates did not know. Older, experienced or young novices. The new first and fourth. There was no shadow of my companions. I found her, she looked out the window and the balcony was telling me that I had the wrong day. Since the trip, hotel accommodation and all the expenditure of energy before returning to wonder if the street and back again a perfect day, I can see at least one lesson. She amiably, the profiles of the balustrade of the balcony, looking at me gently and tells me the first no, then maybe you, as long as he's on the edge of the square outside the gate. I think: I take the piss? I do not see in the second row, are short-sighted, put me over the gate? Also kindly tell her that how can 'see my view is not a wolf and I prefer to go back next time. I try to be composed and polite, although the proposal still incredulous. Everything takes place in a plaza that could be set for mozzarella Vallelata. Paving stones on earth, colorful buildings on either side of the square, metal railings and children playing football.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lego Poptropica Play Free

Sonia striped