Monday, March 14, 2011

Sports Hernia, Ontario

The well and the source. A mouse in NY

"Women have a nasty habit of occasionally fall into a pit, to be caught by a terrible sadness, and drown in, and fumble to return to the surface: this is the real problem of women.
Women often are ashamed to have this trouble, and pretend not to have trouble and be strong and free, and still walking distance to the streets with large hats and beautiful dresses and mouths painted and willful and contemptuous air, but to me it's never happened to meet a woman after a while without finding something in her sorrowful and pitiful that there is in uomini, un continuo pericolo di cascare in un gran pozzo oscuro, qualcosa che proviene proprio dal temperamento femminile e forse da una secolare tradizione di soggezione  e schiavitù che non sarà tanto facile vincere”.
Natalia Ginzburg, Discorso sulle donne , 1993

Come tutto, anche il pozzo ha un accesso, un inizio,  e una fine, la sorgente.
Il mio pozzo ha tracimato in India , ed è stato spinto lì da un romanzo .
Adesso andiamo in due al punto di partenza . 

How To Wear Baggy Sweatpants

The click of Cupina - Competition for short stories

while you wait for Dear Miss Inspiration face the courtesy to return home, I thought I'd tease a little 'yours with a little contest.

Competition for short stories
II edition

many :-) I hope that you will participate)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Side Effects Of The Plan B Morning After Pill

Grandma's a drug and a well got to pack Decorate!

Good Sunday!

.... Today it's raining and cold spring still seems far away, but my mood seems to have affected the change of season!
will be that I had a period of excessive stress and load at work and at home will rarely have moments of calm, almost ever, I am always in a hurry and I always have some chores to do, the fact is that in a phase rather than negative.
I feel sluggish and I get nervous at all, especially with my daughters that require constant attention recently and I have very little patience with them and spend too short time, feeling even more so a failure!

But I will not bore you with my dark thoughts ... and as said in Vitellozzo we can do is cry ... "we must react!"

Before using any pharmaceutical treatment, why do not groped a home remedy and natural?

So I have remembered the old recipe EXERCISE a "grandmother's medicine "....

I started work immediately and there my natural remedy .....


Ingredients: (for two bottles of 75 ml)

6 whole eggs in their shells
lemons 1 / 2 liter of marsala
1 / 2 kg of sugar


Wash eggs in warm water and place them in a jar sealed with a stopper.
Cover with lemon juice to submerge the eggs without breaking them.
You can add a tablespoon of liquor like brandy to prevent mold Formas.

After about a week (I waited a few more days) the eggs are untrimmed thanks to the citric acid of lemons.
Then remove the small mold that will still be formed and beat everything with a wooden spoon. Let stand for a few hours, filter and add the sugar and the Marsala.
Stir everything thoroughly.

Such a remedy should be taken with spoons or cups (3 per day on average) and is useful as a tonic, tonic and tonic.

Is it working?

do not know ... I started to take only a few days we will see ....... ^_-!!!

E 'old without a remedy, fortunately, the side effects .... just do not abuse it ^_-!!!

Before leaving, take this opportunity to thank DECORA for gift arrived last week, I would have liked participate in the prescription of Easter, but they are not very practical with the decorations and I did not feel they are having a very short time.

soon as I can I be sure of its skills in preparing biscuits with shapes that are the Wilton carinissimeeee!!

Kisses! !

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Draught Excluder Pattern

Yesterday I spoke with a friend in this space that has been gradually dying out. His curious questions, why or why, but "now I write all those thoughts." Do not write them. Animate my journeys by motorbike to work and back home. I think and drive. Guido and dream. Then it happens that elusive other scooters, cars and take fines from speed cameras. Maybe it's better if I go back to let pegs above.

How They come to me well, prick. Today

Rob asks me "One annoying thing that still do not understand myself." Today more than ever I can answer with certainty. Lost in a teacup. Sometimes I have the syndrome mouse, I feel tiny and even the simplest things huge skyscrapers become impregnable.

Contact Lens Wrong Way Right

a speedy finger food ...

Arriba! .. Andale Arriba! Andale!

Hello everyone!

rapid pace this morning per lasciarvi una ricettina altrettanto veloce...



formaggio cremoso tipo Philadelphia (robiola,caprino)
chicchi d'uva


Formare con il formaggio ben freddo (tenuto almeno un paio d'ore in a refrigerator) balls, wet your hands from time to time.
Chop the pistachios and stir in pepper. Pass the balls in chopped pistachios and insert them in alternadole skewers with grapes.

(I used the black grapes, because given the season is the only one I could find, but I wanted to switch grains d 'black and white grape)

can be served as snacks with the aperitif or as a treat for buffet.

I've laid on trays ITALIAN ATMOSPHERE kindly sent me a bellissimo pacco contente altri utilissimi accessori  per rendere più bella la presentazione di ottimi finger food ...... (non sono riuscita a postare prima l'arrivo del pacco!! mi scuso e li ringrazio!!!!)

Con questa ricetta partecipo al  gioco online organizzato appunto da ATMOSFERA ITALIANA  ^__^

Arriba! Arriba! Ándale! Ándale!

picture from the web

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What Is Lily Thai First Film

a salute to Carnival and thanks to the sweet Francesca:)

Happy Fat Tuesday!

Today last day of Carnival!

Carnival is a feast for me that I can never live at all, rarely know when it begins ... always know when it ends ^_-!!!

Cne then how about some sugary brothers to say goodbye?
What is this?

simple donuts voids typical of Lucca.

The name derives from their shape with the central hole, reminiscent of the tonsure of the friars ^_-!!!
Eheheh ... Lucca churches and religious do not mess around! ^_-!!!
It 's the first time and I admit that prepares them to be a bit' fried by a landslide, even though I really like, I try to avoid it when possible and replace it with the baking. So I'm not at all practical ...

Sometimes you must dare some goodness and enjoy without feeling too guilty, and what better time of the Carnival?


Ingredients (for 35-40 Friars):
1 kg of flour 00
2 cubes of fresh yeast or 2 packets of the dry
3 tablespoons
sugar zest of one lemon grated untreated
1 cup vegetable oil
200 ml of warm water (*)
a pinch of salt

plenty of sugar for decoration and cooking oil .


Dissolve the yeast in a little 'warm water. Add them to the flour and begin kneading by hand or with the planet, gradually adding the oil, sugar and water. The amount of water (*) is indicative aggiungentene until your dough is soft and elastic.
Let the dough rest for at least two hours in a warm place, away from drafts' air.
Once again the leavened dough and flatten to a height of a finger.
Train plovers with the help of circular shapes, I used a cup and a cap of a bottle of 'water.
Let them rest for an hour and then fry the donuts formed in hot oil.
Drain, dry with paper towels and roll in the hot sugar.

The photos are not just bright and colorful ... ehehe forgive me I'm a bit 'dazed and despite the costumes of the girls in the house and shooting stars (and wishing some coriander infiltrated by children's parties) I did not have the quickness to cover up even my brothers, I noticed when I downloaded the photos on the PC and the plate is not nothing but a bit ' zucchero……^_-!!!

Approfitto anche per comunicarvi che ieri pomeriggio al rientro dal lavoro ho trovato nella cassetta della posta  una bellissima sorpresa che mi ha messo subito di buon umore:

il meraviglioso premio che ho vinto partecipando al primo blog candy di Francesca di Nel cuore dei sapori.

E' la prima volta che vinco qualcosa e il caso ha voluto che l'estrazione fosse fatta il 25 febbraio, giorno in cui anche il mio blog festeggiava l' suo è più vecchio di un giorno ^_-!!!

The sweet Francesca added to the colorful cups, the friendly wing and romantic scented pot holder and a soft bag! THANKS!

Finally .... I wish everyone a happy day and a good celebration of women (even if you know what I think about it ^ _-) to all the ladies and young ladies who pass from here!
A kiss!

Ranger Boat Seat Cover Replacements

Intergalactic Love is

Monday, March 7, 2011

Whitetail Deer Craigslist

Piranha 3D

Guys, this film has put a strain on my belly shag. So, we assume that the director Alexandre Aja (maybe you will remember him for the remake of The Hills Have Eyes 2006) and that therefore there could be up a filmettino rosewater with goldfish in the bowl, but Babba bia .
I'm not a fan of gore, but I like the special effects and splatter as it should be done in this film are actually very well done. The sequence of the attack of the piranha-filled lake to students in celebration of something spectacular. Will be a good twenty minutes of slaughter, slaughter one: there are people torn apart and eaten alive by fish, people cut in two to the power line, people squashed by the blades of boats, people who falls apart, literally, in the hands of rescuers ... and so on and so forth. Some scenes are quite disturbing, but I must say that visually they are all tremendously effective.
The film is well done. Mix a healthy dose of irony and with the slaughter of excess splatter's sake. The gore is not my thing, but the film has its own reason. I do not think that will see him again (a massacre in three dimensions is more than enough, and I need at least a month off to recover from Eli Roth), but I do not regret spending - errata, I did spend to Mr. Latch - the money for the ticket.
We were also able to play "Find the cameos: Richard Dreyfuss (I remember especially All What About Bob, with Bill Murray), Christopher Lloyd (Doc Back to the Future), Ving Rhames (Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction ), Eli Roth (okay, for one thing, Sgt Donnie Donowitz 'L' jew bear "of Inglourious Basterds ), Jerry O'Connell (Andrew, in the series My Secret! , but has also starred in Stand by Me ), the guy The Vampire Diaries (yes , oh well, Steven R. McQueen) and a couple of porn stars, Riley Steele, Ashlynn Brooke and Gianna Micheals (Mr latch, in case you wonder, is the big-hang-gliding divided in half). For
appassionati del genere, è da non perdere! Per tutti gli altri, beh, mettetevi una mano sul cuore e una sullo stomaco e decidete voi. Io,  in fondo, mi sono divertita :-))

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Be More Comfortable While Having A Stomach Virus

Kiss me when I frown I'm fine

What Should You Do To Fix A Kidney Infection


Bubble Skirt Pattern Blog

I'm fine.

a. I don't wanna talk about it.
b. Dude, I'm just thinking, you're over reacting.
c. I'm too lazy to explain my problem.
d. You're not really the right person to know why.
e. Just kidding, I'm not. I want to die.
f. I do not want you to worry.
g. Get away! I can do this on my own!
h. I'm really late.

Did Monique Parent Ever Do Hardcore

thing called

Hello, Mr. Federico Moccia.
My name is Erica and I read his letter to Yara Free published on February 27, 2011. Come on, you know what I mean, that " letter that will never read, never opened. A letter will be abandoned in the pages of this newspaper . "Well, I've read, his letter, and thought I'd write one too.
This letter is for you, Mr. Moccia, I hope you do not mind. Probably not even my will never read and never opened, and will be dropped from (because you leave a letter between the pages, not the pages of a newspaper, Mr. Moccia) the virtual pages of this blog, but honestly who cares. The more I write for me that for her, I do not want: it's a relief that a real letter, but that's okay too well.

I was made a phone call in the afternoon. "It was found the corpse of Yara Gambirasio. You could write a piece? "
And so I remain silent, dazed. What could serve as what I write?
That's what I asked myself. Exactly the same thing.
But do not want to seem disinterested. They are not.
And then he felt compelled to write an article replete with such banalities as the worst miss of Facebook link. Fair enough: it shows you exactly how involved and interested in a story, with citations of their shabby books.
E in un attimo ritorno indietro nel tempo. Tre mesi prima . Yara. Me la ricordo E qui va la virgola quella ragazza.
Meno male, signor Moccia, dal momento che abbiamo appena finito di dire che lei "non vuole apparire disinteressato". Quindi meno male che almeno si ricorda chi sia, questa Yara, eh?, dopo che ha appena finito di parlare di silenzi storditi e dell'utilità delle sue parole e del fatto che non vuole dare l'impressione, tacendo, di non essere rimasto colpito da questa vicenda. Ricordarsi chi sia Yara, signor Moccia, è un po' il requisito minimo per seem interested. But maybe she was trying to do a kind of rhetorical game, is not it?
Ah, I add, even if she returns now back in time, then there are "three months ago" and not "three months before."
I had seen in news photos, a beautiful girl in overalls. He seemed to love gymnastics.
"It seemed that he loved gymnastics," Yara because he did not like the gym just in that picture there, loved her in life, the photo, at most, may have given the a clue about this sua passione. Inoltre, signor Moccia, complimentoni per la deduzione, come se non ci fossero state dozzine di articoli e di servizi, su Yara, a ribadire quanto amasse lo sport - e non a caso è stata rapita mentre tornava a casa dalla palestra. 
Nelle foto la ricordo con un bel sorriso, con l’apparecchio come capita spesso a quell’età, con i capelli raccolti come fossero delle treccine che diventavano una coroncina . 
"Come fossero delle treccine che diventavano  una coroncina". Signor Moccia, che orrore description. They were "as if they were" braids, and instead what I got? What does "as if they were? It was not easier, and more correct, a formula like "with her hair in thin braids, arranged / pinned / styling then the head like a crown?
He "wearing," Mr. Moccia, we had no hand in mica a white body in those photos, But Mr. Moccia, two lines ago he was in suit , the suit that made her realize that she loved gymnastics! And just for the sake of completeness, in the only picture in which Yara wearing something white, that thing is a tank top sneakers, not a body was very young but already you could see a beautiful flower girl.
Apart from the use of punctuation completely arbitrary, this phrase is something creepy. It begins with a "had a white body," implying the subject "Yara", continue with "young age" and again the implied subject is "Yara", then ends with a "you could already see a beautiful flower girl" and here the patratrack ago period, with this lord of subjects that is neither in heaven nor on earth.
Her complexion slightly dark complexion "slightly dark," Mr. Moccia? That description sloppy, poor, faded: no concreteness, in this picture, there is a true color, there is no real detail. What does "slightly dark"? How should I interpret this "slight"? He was tanned, and had olive skin? The matter so much, this girl, who even bother to put a decent description that does justice? perfect teeth gooders pure. The unit put it on a whim? and of We're not talking about eye at random, but in his eyes, then "the", not "of" lively eyes. I remember that I followed that story. Fortunately, Mr. Moccia. Recall that she does not want to make a figure of the disinterested. There had been some phone calls that said it was still in school, perhaps The "maybe" does not exist. Either there was or was not there. If you've followed the case should know. Since you have been given a piece about it, maybe it was the case of looking a bit 'of documentation, or not? c’era stata anche una medium che ne dava qualche notizia sapendo dove avrebbero potuto trovarla . Signor Moccia, non crede anche lei di aver fatto un mezzo pasticcio con i verbi, qui? "Ne dava qualche notizia sapendo dove avrebbero potuto trovarla"... Ho pregato perché i suoi genitori la ritrovassero. Ma non così. Non in questo modo. Dopo così tanto tempo è stata trovata senza vita, per caso, in aperta campagna, da un residente del luogo che stava facendo volare un piccolo aereo . Un aereo radiocomandato, andiamo. Perché non chiamare le cose con il proprio nome? Immagino che quell’aereo improvvisamente abbia perso velocità, sia caduto così, a pochi metri da lei. Ma perché immagina, signor Moccia? Il signor Ilario Scotti ha raccontato tutto riguardo il ritrovamento del cadavere, quindi perché "immagina"? E quella persona Che ha un nome, Ilario Scotti mentre lo cercava ha invece trovato lei. Lei nell’erba alta. Lei come un volo spezzato di quella piccola farfalla che era. Questa similitudine è talmente brutta, signor Moccia, che mi ha lasciata senza parole. È banale ed è vuota e non c'entra assolutamente Yara nothing to do with the poor. And what's more, it is also incorrect: She (Yara) would like the flight of a butterfly that had broken her? Yara O Yara is the butterfly or the flight is broken, the flight can not be both broken (among other things, the wings are broken, not the flight) of the butterfly is the same butterfly that has been broken off. And then I would write a letter to you Yara. Punctuation, Mr. Moccia: you, Yara.
A letter that will never read, never opened. A letter will be abandoned on "Among the" pages of this newspaper. But perhaps that will come from somewhere and will to anything. Yes, Mr. Moccia, for example, serves to show how you do not use punctuation, as we do not use the similarities, and is an example of the banality and depravity like few I've seen and read. Yara, I'd Want, Mr. Moccia? A conditional? Because, really do not like? think you have the smile of love, there is a God who would allow you to forgive, it gives you a pat with the one and only fill your heart with everything that you could not live, all that you have stolen. I wrote of love, dreams and emotions of that first kiss ... And who cares what she did, Mr. Moccia? We are talking about Yara or her? He explains what would be the link between what you wrote and what happened to the life of Yara, please? What perhaps you still Yara Commas, Mr. Moccia, these unknown: perhaps you, Yara, had not yet never given O "you never" or "not you still have " that maybe you wanted to watch that boy so much of At school, Mr. Moccia. Or is it a school or a school boy to school little bigger than you. I imagine that your smile exit, so distracted because he did not understand or perhaps a little 'yes. Because you wanted to experience love, because he had read in books, I'd seen in movies, you had dreamed a dream ... dream within a dream, Mr. Moccia. I hope that being aware of it too ... I had lived with the family watching the smiles of thy father and thy mother. But sometimes a parent's love is not enough, you want to feel love, to be three meters above the sky. is the peak of squalor. There really need citations, Mr. Moccia? His ego took over and forced her to put this crap? Because honestly, I do not understand the meaning. Really. Neruda is even citations. Here And here is the comma Yara, I would like in this world Which world? there was only love, I see you running again with my heart in two thousand, Why, Mr. Moccia, she has never seen racing of the heart in two thousand? excited and happy poter confessare alla tua amica di quel bacio rubato, E certo, perché l'adolescenza a questo si riduce, a una manciata di ormoni di essere sgridata dai tuoi genitori per essere arrivata tardi a cena, ti vorrei vedere ingenua e felice e che questo fosse permesso in questo mondo. Altro errore pacchiano. Il verbo reggente è "ti vorrei", che ovviamente non può reggere "che questo fosse permesso in questo mondo":  è come scrivere "Ti vorrei vedere e mangiare un gelato". Avrebbe potuto giocare con l'anafora, signor Moccia, e scrivere "ti vorrei vedere ingenua e felice e vorrei che questo fosse permesso in questo mondo", oppure avrebbe could turn the otherwise "I would like to" dissolve in "naive and I would like to see you happy and this was allowed bla bla bla." In addition, I point out the annoying repetition of "this", which is not anaphoric, it's just ugly and sloppy.
I Comma Yara Comma that there was "were" because it speaks of love and respect around you just love and respect for Your beautiful fragility, for your purity, in your eyes that smile, your smile curious about love and life ... smiling eyes and a smile: annoying repetition. By the way, I'd like to see "a curious smile of love and life" because it is a blank image and inconsistent, that does not communicate anything. But someone steals the dreams Comma Yara Comma and I and all others who love it, absolutely nothing comma, here, Mr. Moccia! The comma never separates the subject from the verb reference! mourn with you.

still escapes me the meaning of this letter.
I refer of course to the letter he wrote her, Mr. Moccia, not what I wrote: my sense, the sense of disgust communicate what I have done what you wrote, the sense of showing to all my indignation and my nausea. His letter, however, has no reason for me to exist.
are no words of comfort, her, not images of tenderness, sorrow, regret. They are not even pictures, to be honest . They do not communicate anything. These are just a bunch of cliches (first of all, that of butterfly wings, pardon, from flying broken) and squalor more or less pronounced (In my opinion, we reach the maximum with the not so veiled mention of his most famous novel, Three Steps Over Heaven ).
you, Mr. Moccia has not demonstrated that you have followed the story: Yara's what he wrote can be applied effortlessly to any girl between the ages of twelve and seventeen, whatever. She did not speak of Yara . He did not speak of his passion for gymnastics, what you really liked or disliked, what makes it unique, what she really was. She merely to sketch the classic protagonist of his novels blank and pre-packaged.
Lei è stato banale, sciatto, squallido e scontato. Lei, come autore, mi fa davvero schifo .
Io, e tutti quelli che apprezzano lo scrivere bene, piangiamo.

What's So Bad About Wikipedia

a donut all-girl ^ _-!

Good morning and happy Sunday!

This morning the weather is uncertain ..... and I am assonnatissima because, as always, I have my girls "sbrandato" from my comfortable bed and hot!

Before entering into the vortex of the housework backward (and there are many !!!!)..... here I am to present a simple Dolcino I made last Sunday at the theme of dell'inizitiva facebook proposed by GUARDINI .

The issue in question is the International Women's Day .... a party that I do not feel much, because in recent years in my opinion has lost sight of the real one meaning to be reduced to an excuse to go out and have fun making it only a celebration of consumerism !

But the origins of this festival are very different ...... as far back as 1908, when a few days before March 8, New York, the Cotton Textile Industry Workers went on strike to protest against the terrible conditions in which they were forced to work. The strike lasted for several days, until the owner Mr. Johnson, blocked all the gates of the factory to prevent workers leaving. Establishment was set on fire and the 129 workers trapped inside were burned to death by the flames.
Then on March 8 has been proposed as the date to commemorate this event, to avoid a repeat of everything ..... to repeat the achievements of social, political and economic conditions of women ... which unfortunately are still non-existent in many parts of the world ..... a day in which to reflect ...

For the initiative to GUARDINI I thought of a simple cake for us all ^ _-!

Here .....



3 eggs 170 g sugar 250 g flour
50 ml of milk
2 jars of natural yogurt white
60 grams of vegetable oil
1 packet of lieivito
few drops of vanilla essence
cherries and their syrup FABBRI

For the frosting:

icing sugar few drops of lemon
cherry syrup 1 egg white


Beat eggs with sugar, add while stirring the yogurt, vanilla essence, milk, flour and sifted lieivito and oil.

una cimabella rosa...come il suo stampo ^_-

Imburrare ed infarinare lo stampo apribile "Primavera" a ciambella della GUARDINI e versare metà composto, nel rimanente impasto aggiungere qualche cucchiaio di sciroppo di amarene e amarene a pezzetti FABBRI. Versare questo composto, che sarà leggermente rosa nello stampo, e con l'aiuto di una forchetta mescolare delicatamente con il primo impasto versato in modo da creare una sorta di variegatura.

Infornare nel forno caldo a 180°C per 35-40 minuti.

oven and let cool.

Decorate as desired with icing obtained with a beaten egg white, powdered sugar and cherry syrup FABBRI.
To pay two-tone icing on the cake first and then add even more clear and pour the syrup darker.

With this recipe I participate in the contest of the Sisters in pot :

Good Sunday!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fun Things To Fo On A Jet Ski

sucks: D We

Plastic Container For Chapsticks

says the wise ....

"with the filling that has advanced the roll is delicious"

Good morning!

ago freddoooo Here!!

Cease wind chill of recent days has reappeared this morning ..... the snow ... brrrr ..... for now ..... hope that the hills will not fall further down. .... I want the spring !!!!!

you remember the steamed dumplings I posted some time ago?

No. ...:(((((((((

To refresh your memory here ..... you can peek

^ _-!

If you've read or reread everything and reach the end you wonder that I made the stuffing advanced, you can live with now .....

with "advanced" of steamed dumplings

not really a recipe, in fact it is not at all, but it could get .... because it is a simple and tasty way to prepare the delicious rolls ^_-!!!!

So .....

Prepare the rolls, put in the cabbage leaf that you can prepare the filling ingredients and following the procedure that you find here (for the doses you have to eye ^ _-) and close with a toothpick.
Heat a little 'oil Arrange the rolls in the pan, let brown slightly and add half a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of tomato paste. Cook covered for
15-20 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Bon appetit!

"All's well that ends well ....."

".... and the last one closes the door ... "


end of the episode .......... ........