Monday, March 14, 2011

Sports Hernia, Ontario

The well and the source. A mouse in NY

"Women have a nasty habit of occasionally fall into a pit, to be caught by a terrible sadness, and drown in, and fumble to return to the surface: this is the real problem of women.
Women often are ashamed to have this trouble, and pretend not to have trouble and be strong and free, and still walking distance to the streets with large hats and beautiful dresses and mouths painted and willful and contemptuous air, but to me it's never happened to meet a woman after a while without finding something in her sorrowful and pitiful that there is in uomini, un continuo pericolo di cascare in un gran pozzo oscuro, qualcosa che proviene proprio dal temperamento femminile e forse da una secolare tradizione di soggezione  e schiavitù che non sarà tanto facile vincere”.
Natalia Ginzburg, Discorso sulle donne , 1993

Come tutto, anche il pozzo ha un accesso, un inizio,  e una fine, la sorgente.
Il mio pozzo ha tracimato in India , ed è stato spinto lì da un romanzo .
Adesso andiamo in due al punto di partenza . 

How To Wear Baggy Sweatpants

The click of Cupina - Competition for short stories

while you wait for Dear Miss Inspiration face the courtesy to return home, I thought I'd tease a little 'yours with a little contest.

Competition for short stories
II edition

many :-) I hope that you will participate)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Side Effects Of The Plan B Morning After Pill

Grandma's a drug and a well got to pack Decorate!

Good Sunday!

.... Today it's raining and cold spring still seems far away, but my mood seems to have affected the change of season!
will be that I had a period of excessive stress and load at work and at home will rarely have moments of calm, almost ever, I am always in a hurry and I always have some chores to do, the fact is that in a phase rather than negative.
I feel sluggish and I get nervous at all, especially with my daughters that require constant attention recently and I have very little patience with them and spend too short time, feeling even more so a failure!

But I will not bore you with my dark thoughts ... and as said in Vitellozzo we can do is cry ... "we must react!"

Before using any pharmaceutical treatment, why do not groped a home remedy and natural?

So I have remembered the old recipe EXERCISE a "grandmother's medicine "....

I started work immediately and there my natural remedy .....


Ingredients: (for two bottles of 75 ml)

6 whole eggs in their shells
lemons 1 / 2 liter of marsala
1 / 2 kg of sugar


Wash eggs in warm water and place them in a jar sealed with a stopper.
Cover with lemon juice to submerge the eggs without breaking them.
You can add a tablespoon of liquor like brandy to prevent mold Formas.

After about a week (I waited a few more days) the eggs are untrimmed thanks to the citric acid of lemons.
Then remove the small mold that will still be formed and beat everything with a wooden spoon. Let stand for a few hours, filter and add the sugar and the Marsala.
Stir everything thoroughly.

Such a remedy should be taken with spoons or cups (3 per day on average) and is useful as a tonic, tonic and tonic.

Is it working?

do not know ... I started to take only a few days we will see ....... ^_-!!!

E 'old without a remedy, fortunately, the side effects .... just do not abuse it ^_-!!!

Before leaving, take this opportunity to thank DECORA for gift arrived last week, I would have liked participate in the prescription of Easter, but they are not very practical with the decorations and I did not feel they are having a very short time.

soon as I can I be sure of its skills in preparing biscuits with shapes that are the Wilton carinissimeeee!!

Kisses! !

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Draught Excluder Pattern

Yesterday I spoke with a friend in this space that has been gradually dying out. His curious questions, why or why, but "now I write all those thoughts." Do not write them. Animate my journeys by motorbike to work and back home. I think and drive. Guido and dream. Then it happens that elusive other scooters, cars and take fines from speed cameras. Maybe it's better if I go back to let pegs above.

How They come to me well, prick. Today

Rob asks me "One annoying thing that still do not understand myself." Today more than ever I can answer with certainty. Lost in a teacup. Sometimes I have the syndrome mouse, I feel tiny and even the simplest things huge skyscrapers become impregnable.