Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Qualities Do You Need To Be Good Nurse?

that 2011 is better than 2010!

albero delle gru di carta

Happy New Year to all you who pass here, whether by accident or your own specific wishes.
If anyone is left who is still looking for this address is no longer zeppo di quei pensieri strani che mi addensano la mente.
Vi auguro sentitamente che l'anno nuovo porti a voi tutti quello che più desiderate o che innesti i semi per una futura fruttifera fioritura.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How To Change A Thermostat Subaru

SognaStraSogna: In vino veritas and unconscious vede che ieri il vino è arrivato a toccare corde dell'inconscio, parecchio, ma parecchio, profonde!

Ho sognato che ci avevo in ballo DUE dico DUE temi di tesi!
Ieri mentre festeggiavamo una splendida XXenne ho fatto due parole con la Jama ^_^ e mi diceva:
-"intanto sai cosa devi fare e non è poco..."
ed io ovviamente son concorde... ma si vede che quell'individuo altro dentro di me la pensa anche diversamente:
-"si è bene avere il tema, ma se ne could have more easily, you're not so well. "

In vino veritas and d unconscious.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Dog Lung Cancer Lip Ulcer

ops! 8845 things to do! The

Ah, yes ... because the song was true Silvestri Roux, things to do but were ottomilaottocentocinquanta alias 8850 with three zeros less than the previous post them to me .... that could be raised if the bank three zeros, we could close them!
But now December 27 ottomilaottocentocinquantacinque are, as I made five!
Yeah I tidied up the library, and only rare, but true! and then I went out to dinner, and then again over the menu I also sfangato Eve dinner, and all alone with my hands! and Monday went well out to dinner, in addition to paying the bills ...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wholesale Elastic Baby Headbands

are 8,850,000 things to do.

Or perhaps the festival of

So sang years ago that "I do not remember the name" I always get confused with Bersani, but I know that is the Y10 bordeaux ... I do not remember, peace, so the point are the things to do, perhaps . Too many. Why are so many?! Because from tomorrow I am on vacation for three weeks?! Fors and are on vacation, if I do not recall ever working ... until arrival at the January 10 do not believe it. Three weeks of vacation and 8,850,000 things to do.

And go with the list at large:
  1. define the legends analysis of the two tables that I am missing to do for the thesis, if tomorrow I am always on vacation and not snow, Tuesday perhaps, if there bins again. Update 21/12/10 Revision made, ad hoc boards ready to let him know what we had in mind. The point you can 'reset, but the work STARTS AGAIN!
  2. tidy the library, release the books to put my head under and against the rib, perhaps , mark my name on it, I would not want to end our "possessions" library becoming confused ... although perhaps , we gain.
  3. look of white paint to remedy that mess I made on the body of the shutter in the room. I thought the chemical paints would last forever but that quell'acquetta kept in storage for 10 years rather smell and color that has left (because I went through many hands on the media to paint!) Is somewhat ugly
  4. think Eve menu, equipment, and when shopping ... Eve is Friday, usually you eat?! perhaps fish?!?
  5. maybe tomorrow night I go out to dinner, always when the snow melts ... pay the bills at the post office if it is open, or perhaps
  6. is better on the internet? I count them to do so much to the state. Who knows what treatment will I need and I'll have to ask that professional?! Banner answer any offensive

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yeast Infection From Waxing

Dream and therapy

Roux insists and I fall back ...
  • Dream: A man
  • abundant, bald and wearing a jacket and tie a blue '50s style america comes into my house and ask me how many I have shelves on the wall. Together we begin to count them because I have such a piece stuck in the wall. A kind of royalty fee type rays. At home, right now, I have two shelves in the bathroom.
  • does not escape in anything, are always under each control: - I had the visit of Lord
    Canone Rai - the office to check my income tax return of employees every two years, so that the last time he asked me 12 euro for a mistake of my accountant ...

    Thursday, December 2, 2010

    With Testicular Cancer Do Symptoms Come And Go

    SognaSogna #

    Oh how nice! ^ _ ^
    Yeah, always above the penis and pain relief, but today I have something nice to write to them.

    Torno happily from my first week of the year Piacenza. That good experience. I'm glad I made this choice of my own last year and I'm glad he started the new annuity. Today
    experience topical energy work with crystals. I was skeptical, but I managed to enter the job with no expectations and I had a huge surprise.
    The effect of guided meditation, holding the stones of carnelian was euphoric. A carousel effect with psychedelic images displayed dare I say, a propeller type DNA colorful and dynamic. An incredible warmth and a sense of intoxication.

    Facing the week that I know to be tragic with the spirit lifted. Carnelian